I just wanted to check in, since I have the time - or rather, I don't have the time, but I am avoiding my work, so there. If you didn't know I was an accomplished procrastinator, you do now.
I am working on a creative project from home today. My usual work environment is not really suitable for creative projects. I need the quiet of my own home, where I can bask in the absurd amount of natural light that streams in through our windows. Thus, I sit at the kitchen table trying to find the motivation or inspiration to do my work. To be fair, I made some progress this morning. I spent an hour doing research for the project, but after that I hit a wall. I'm not sure if it was a food wall or creative wall, but it was most definitely a wall of some sort.
How do I usually solve these creative conundrums? Well, I don't. I have found that they tend to solve themselves. I realize that sitting and waiting around for your creativity is not very productive, but it is what it is. All I need to do is find a little source of inspiration that can tempt the creative well enough to start flowing once more. Sounds simple enough, right. Wrong. Creativity has a will of its own. When it flows through me though, it is simply amazing.
I think I may need to go outdoors to find the kind of creative spark I am looking for right now. It might involve grabbing some lunch or coffee. I just need a little bit of nature's beauty to solve this one.